Creation of New Companies

National / Foreign Investment

Creation of New Companies

At Summit Advisors, we understand that creating a company or limited liability company (SL) in Andorra can seem like a maze of legal complexities and regulations. But don’t worry! We’re here to turn this challenge into a smooth and satisfying experience.

Why Choose Us?

  • Personalized Advice: We analyze your personal and business situation to offer you tailored solutions. We understand that each project is unique and requires a strategy that fits your current and future circumstances.
  • Legal Compliance: We ensure that all processes and procedures are in perfect alignment with Andorra’s laws and regulations, thus guaranteeing a seamless transition to your new business venture.

Our Services

  1. Creation and Establishment of Companies and SLs

    • Advice on choosing the most appropriate type of business structure for your business.
    • Assistance in preparing and submitting all necessary documentation.
    • Support in obtaining the required permits and licenses.
  2. Business and Tax Relations

    • Guidance on tax matters and strategies to optimize your tax burden.
    • Advice on establishing an effective online presence and making the most of digital tools.
  3. Establishment of SLs

    • Help in understanding the specific legal and tax obligations of SLs in Andorra.
    • Support in defining an appropriate ownership and management structure.
  4. Step-by-Step Process Until Approval

    • We accompany you from the start until you obtain your residence in Andorra.
    • Personalized assistance at every stage of the process.

Detailed Steps of Our Service

  • Feasibility study of your business project.
  • Drafting and formalization of your company’s statutes.
  • Management of the reservation of the corporate name and Administrative Identification Number.
  • Application and processing of authorization for direct foreign investment.
  • Application and processing to obtain the qualification of a company that promotes the digital economy.
  • Support in opening bank accounts and establishing financial relationships.
  • Assistance during the incorporation of the company before a notary.
  • Registration of the company in the Commercial Register.
  • Management of commercial licenses with local authorities.
  • Processing of residence and work permits.

Summit Advisors is your ally in transforming your business vision into a tangible reality in Andorra. With our guidance and support, you’ll be ready to explore and conquer new business horizons.