I already have my residence permit in Andorra. Are there any additional procedures I should carry out?

Once the residence permit has been obtained, there are several procedures to consider in order to inform local and foreign authorities of your entry into the country. Among them, we would like to highlight the following:

  1. Registration at the Embassy of the home country: For example, for citizens with Spanish nationality residing in the country, it is necessary to register at the Consulate of Spain in Andorra to be included in the consular register for the purpose of participating in electoral processes called in Spain, renewal and issuance of official documents such as the passport, and as a measure of accreditation of residence abroad.

    To register at the Consulate of Spain in Andorra, it is necessary to request an appointment through their website and provide the following documentation: the original residence permit, the original Spanish passport (or ID card if applicable), and a passport-sized photo. Once registered and the consular registration is completed, it is advisable to request a certificate to update your address in the ID card (so that the new address in Andorra appears when the document is changed).

  2. Update of the National Identity Document (DNI) address: For example, for citizens with Spanish nationality residing in the country, it is necessary to process the update of their document to reflect their new address in Andorra. To do this, it is necessary to request a prior appointment at one of the offices of the Spanish National Police (the closest to the Principality is located in La Seu d’Urgell) and submit the following documentation: current ID card, recent passport-sized photo, and a certificate issued by the Consulate of Spain in Andorra reflecting the exact address of the new residence.

  3. Informing the tax agency of the home country about the change in tax residence (in applicable cases): For example, for citizens with Spanish nationality residing in the country, it is necessary to prepare and submit Model 030 to the AEAT (Spanish State Tax Agency). This model must be submitted, among other cases, when a change in tax residence has occurred and can be accredited. For this, in addition to the model itself, it is necessary to submit a tax residence certificate issued by the Department of Taxes and Borders (Andorran tax agency), as well as a copy of the ID card. It can be submitted to any AEAT office, the closest one being located in the town of La Seu d’Urgell.

    It is worth noting that the Department of Taxes and Borders will issue the tax residence certificate when it has sufficient evidence and accreditations that the tax residence has been fulfilled, so the general requirement of having stayed 183 days effectively in the country must have been met, among other circumstances.

  4. Registration in the census of the “Comú” (municipality) of the parish where you will reside: It is necessary to carry out this process within the first 3 months from obtaining the residence permit. To carry out this process, you must submit the following documentation to the corresponding “Comú”: the original and a copy of the valid passport or ID card, the original and a copy of the residence permit, a copy of the rental contract or property title, a copy of the family book if applicable, a copy of the bank identification card, and the duly completed census registration form.

  5. Homologation of the foreign driving license to the Andorran one: In the case that a resident has a non-Andorran driving license, it is necessary to homologate it in the country to comply with the stipulations of the law and be able to drive on the country’s roads. You can find more information in the blog post “Is it necessary to validate my driver’s license if I’m going to live in Andorra?”

  6. Assigning a “metge referent” (referring doctor / primary care physician) who will be the doctor or pediatrician, affiliated with the CASS (Andorran Social Security Box), chosen by the user as the main point of contact within the country’s healthcare system. This will facilitate comprehensive and long-term monitoring of pathologies and their treatments, provide more personalized healthcare, and establish a smoother relationship between the user and the administration. It is worth noting that the Andorran healthcare system operates on a co-payment basis (75% state and 25% user), so in the case of visits to “metges referents,” only 25% of the cost should be paid, and there is no need to pay the full fee and wait for partial reimbursement.

    To assign a “metge referent,” this can be done at their private practice, in person at the CASS offices, at the Nostra Senyora de Meritxell Hospital, at the primary care centers of the SAAS, and through the online portal of the CASS (previously having registered in person).

If you have any doubts about any of these procedures or need assistance, feel free to contact us through the form on this website, our email (info@summitadvisors.ad), or via WhatsApp/Telegram.